Poker host

Saturday 3 January 2009

Some of the important tells in online poker

Many of the common tells in poker can be found in real “live” versions of the game, since being able to actually see your opponent means that there are more chances to pick up on these tells. Tells are simply defined as physical or audible cues given out by a player, which can clue you in to what they are thinking, what cards they are holding, and even what actions they intend to do next. The tells that we have listed here however–while useful to know for real world poker playing situations–can be applied to online versions of the game as well.

How Fast They Play
Almost every online poker game that you come across will impose a certain time limit on how long a player has before he or she is considered to have folded or declared an “all-in”. Of course since online poker games are dependent on the speed of the Internet connection, it cannot be helped that players’ actions will sometimes appear slow or sluggish. This makes it a little bit harder to pick up on tells that involves how fast a player responds to a given situation. Nevertheless, familiarity with how fast a particular online poker site works will give you an idea of how quickly players respond to any scenario.

Generally speaking, players that bet quickly have a weak hand and players that take along time to make a move probably have a strong hand and are considering how best to play it, although there are of course exceptions to this rule. More experienced players for example may attempt to throw you off by acting in a way that you would not expect. In any case, try to keep track of the cards that other players reveal at showdown and compare it with their previous actions. While this is no guarantee that they will act the same way all the time, it will at least give you a little bit more information to go on in subsequent hands or in other games when you run into the same players again.

You should also consider your own actions and how they give your secrets away. Try to strive for an air of inscrutability, so that other players will not be able to pick up anything from your actions.

How They Use The Features Of The Poker Room
Many online poker rooms have features that allow a player to automatically perform any number of actions such as folds, raises, or calls. You can typically pick out players that use this option since their decision will come almost immediately. You can use this information to your advantage in figuring out what kind of hand the player has. If they use the raise option, they probably have a very strong hand on them. Conversely, players that go for the check option automatically probably has a weak hand. Since these options make your actions easily known, it would be best to avoid using them yourself. As always however, you should realize that there are exceptions to every rule. Knowing how to pinpoint which of these players are actually behaving in a manner that actually reflects the cards that they have–and which players are trying to mislead you–is an important part of the psychology of the game of poker. You would do well to learn how to pick pout these players quickly as soon as you sit down to play with them in order to gauge their actions more accurately.

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